
Graillon Pitch Correction Plug-In Gets Update

today03/10/2024 3

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Auburn Sounds' Graillon V3 plug-in.
Auburn Sounds’ Graillon V3 plug-in.

New York, NY (October 3, 2024)—Auburn Sounds has released Graillon V3, the latest edition of its long-running pitch correction plug-in, offered in both a full paid version and a free, feature-limited edition as well.

Both V3 versions of Graillon allow users to pitch shift vocals and more for both hard-tune and more natural sounds, making use of three different pitch engines: I1, which is the same pitch engine from Auburn’s Inner Pitch plug-in; G2, which is the original Graillon 2 algorithm; and now G3, which is an updated and rewritten new sound. The plug-in offers a variety of built-in vocal effects, such as Compressor, Gate, Chorus, Preamp. All of them are tuned for vocals, reportedly adding no latency. V3 is said to offer users faster and more consistent pitch detection, and now offers high notes detection, whereas previous editions did not. Formant-Shifting has also been added; formant contour can be disabled, and scaled from 0% to 100%.

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The Graillon Full Edition adds on three more features; there’s Pitch-Tracking Modulation, which Auburn characterizes as “high-testosterone grit,” as well as a Vocal Doubler, and keyboard tuning from -100 to +100 cents.

Auburn Sounds originally released Graillon in 2015, focusing the plug-in primarily on Pitch-Tracking Modulation, but the follow-up V2, issued in 2017, expanded the software’s reach to become more of a broader based solution for voice changing, including pitch correction, pitch-shifting, and a bitcrusher.

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